Sunday, February 10, 2008

No Experience Necessary

Jaren had his first Pinewood Derby in January. He designed the car and Ty cut it out. Jaren sanded it and I painted it. Ty polished up the wheels and I put the weights on. Can you tell? It was the blind leading the blind. We put weights here and there and tweaked wheels front to back. We did our best and believe it or not WE WON! That's right Jaren won the whole thing. He was not beatin' once. I thought we might maybe win one, but all we were shocked. Jaren was so psyched and loved every second. I hope he understands how luck works, I don't think we can squeak this out two years in a row. What a blast!

1 comment:

K. Lamb said...

Way to go Jaren. Well done mom and dad. I am happy it was such a blast for all of you.