Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Days are Here Again!

Jaren and Ellie started school on August the 6th. They were so excited to see their friends and I was excited to have a little peace. Jaren is in 4th and Ellie is in 2nd.

Livi started school on the 12 of Aug. She is going to school at Pumpkin Patch with Mrs. Amee. She has 8 kids in her class and loves to wear a backpack like the big kids.


Amber said...

Megan, your kids are SO adorable. We miss having you across the street. I will always remember Ellie being so sweet and friendly to us when we first moved in. I love that girl!

Hedderg said...

Meg,hey it's Heather your room mate from forever ago. Aimee found me on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and helped me find your blog. Your family is so beautiful. Livi reminds me a lot of you. You look great, just the same as you did 12 years ago! Let's catch up sometime! --Heather